If you’re a lender and you need help in securing a return following financial difficulty faced by one of your clients, we are here to support you.
In difficult situations we work in partnership with lenders and the management of the borrower to understand the true nature of the problem.
It’s only by understanding the situation that we can help develop and implement an appropriate solution. Our aim is to firstly stabilise the position, before value is able to be returned.
It is always better to involve your business recovery specialist at an early stage of the journey. This enables the broadest range of strategies to be explored. Our involvement will lead to an understanding of the current problems, the quality of the management team, and either a review of existing forecasts or the development of a business plan to achieve the agreed objectives.
If the conclusion finds there is not a viable business going forward, we will recommend strategies to ensure maximum return for the lender.
If you need advice and support, please get in touch.